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Two Years On It’s A Mixed Picture For The Funds Battered By Brexit

BISNOW: The biggest losers in the immediate wake of the Brexit vote two years ago, real estate-wise, were the U.K.’s open-ended funds for private investors. After the U.K. voted to leave the EU, these funds became the poster child of financial shock in the country. There were large redemptions of cash from these funds, in response, they shut their doors to new redemptions. As a result, funds were forced to sell massive amounts of prime property to meet demands for cash. Now, two years after the Brexit vote, there is a mixed picture for these real estate investment funds, as a  whole, the sector is 10% smaller than it was just before the vote, with total assets of £18.4B compared to £20.5B at the beginning of June 2016. Click on the link below to find out which UK firms continue to prosper, and which firms have yet to return to their pre-Brexit form.